The company URChance Immigration Services Inc. owns the rights to use the domain name
The following information regarding our privacy practices applies to any use of the URChance website or any of the services that are provided therein by you. If you use any of our websites or any of the associated services that are offered through them, then you are deemed to have accepted these terms, including any future amendments that are made to them.
URChance will use the information found in your IP address to assist us in diagnosing issues that may be occurring with our web server and to administer our website. URChance will also make use of the information gleaned from your IP address in order to compile demographic data for internal company use. These statistics are analyzed so that we can enhance our website and make certain that users have the best possible experience while browsing our site.
Your personal information, such as your name, phone number, or email address, will never be provided to any third party websites by URChance. This includes disclosing, selling, reselling, leasing, and licensing your information. However, we reserve the right to disclose information that does not personally identify you, such as your domain name and IP address, as well as the websites you have visited and the links you have clicked.
During your time here on our site, you will be given the opportunity to provide us with your personal contact information. These contact details are kept in a safe location within our datacenter so that we may respond to any requests that you may make. People who give us their telephone number and email address through our website will only hear from us with information pertaining to their questions' case file if they request this type of contact from us.
Without the prior, express, and written permission of URChance, you are not permitted to reproduce or otherwise alter any of the content found on this website in any way, shape, or form.
The user should consider the texts that appear on this website to be reference material that is intended to facilitate user comprehension. These texts do not constitute legal advice nor do they create a relationship between a Consultant and a Client.
The user is provided with a variety of links and pointers to other websites and information sources for their convenience. URChance does not exercise any control over this external information and therefore cannot guarantee its accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness. You use or follow these links at your own risk, and we are not responsible for any damages or losses incurred or suffered by you as a result of or in connection with your use of the links, whether those damages or losses are a direct result of your use of the links or are caused by your use of the links.